
On the right track through the countryside

Gut gespurt durchs Land

Gentle, fluid motions.

Classic or skating technique. Enjoying the landscapes. Independent, to your own rhythm – cross-country skiing is something for individualists. And it’s healthy, too. It strengthens the heart and vascular system, improves endurance, is kind on your joints, and it burns so many calories, you will be able to enjoy your delicious dinner back at the Daberer to the full.

Apropos appetite – if we are to believe the Greek poet Euripides, it is sharpened by variety. We have taken care of that, too, with trails alongside the Gail, through riparian woodlands and villages, in Timau, on the Italian side, in Obertilliach with the Lesachtal Biathlon Center, and at the Nassfeld.

You can borrow your gear, including skis, boots and poles, from us for free. In January and February, our activity program even includes weekly cross-country lessons with Willi Daberer. We are also glad to organize additional cross-country lessons on your behalf.

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